Romantic Rhapsody

  • A class project to design the visual identity of a fictional music festival that combines Hard Rock and R&B. Thank you Meg Quarton for the guidance through this project.

  • logo design, brand guidelines, mission statement, creative brief, poster design, digital ads, and merchandise.

  • 11 weeks

Mission Statement

Romantic Rhapsody aims to unite hard rock and R&B fans to teach them to appreciate the opposite style while reviving the culture of hard rock. By creating nostalgia for the old while merging it with the new, RR will create a safe environment for everyone that fosters sex positivity, self expression, love, and rebellion.

Creative Brief


This festival will unite 80s hard rock with current R&B to help them appreciate the opposite style.


Romantic Rhapsody aims to foster an appreciation for the 80s, psychedelic, hard rock era and foster sex positivity, self expression, love and rebellion.


This festival will revive hard rock by attracting a young audience with the current popularity of R&B.


Hard rock was born from the 80s rebellious garage band culture and R&B originated in Black American communities in the 40s.

Target Audience

Romantic Rhapsody is targeted towards new R&B listeners and older hard rock fans.




After being assigned my music genres, I began ideating the details of my music festival. I used a mind map to organize my thoughts and gain feedback from my professor and peers.

This mindmap consists of key terms that came to mind when thinking of these genres. I emphasized details that could be translated into visual elements for the brand identity.

Final Poster Design

Final Advertisement Design

Logo Sketches

Thumbnail Sketches

Designing the logo or a new asset began with sketching out 20-30 thumbnails. I then got feedback from my professor and peers who helped me narrow it down to three designs that I further developed on Adobe Illustrator. This lead me to choose a final iteration that I continued to develop until I was satisfied.

Co-Branded Product Sketches

Poster Design Sketches

Digital Advertisement Sketches


Final Product Designs

final results

final results




The Ordinary Packaging Redesign